This is a learning experience that is focused on the art of learning and mastering a chord progression. The methods of study here can be applied to any other songs you wish to study. This unique approach to learning combines the tradition of learning by erar with utilizing language to help facilitate memorization.
The chord progressions/songs studied are:
-Confirmation: Mastering a Chord Progression
-Body + Soul: Ballad Playing
-3 Types of Blues Progressions: Studying Harmonic Substitutions
-So What/Impressions: (Modal Improvisation)
With each unit there are 5 topics designed to give you a variety of angles you can use to sharpen your skills in the practice room as an improviser over any chord progression. Provided are transposed PDFs, Play-alongs, Demo Tracks and Video Lessons for all of the topics within each unit.
Get motivated with some new approaches over these tunes today!