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  • Becky – Alto and Tenor sax

    Posted by Becky on March 3, 2024 at 10:41 pm

    Hello Everyone,

    I used to play in college and worked locally quite a bit. My “superpower” was reading. I could swing and played great ensemble, but I could not improvise to save my life. Despite my weakness, I had a great musical life for a few years. Then marriage, career, and life in general, and I set the horn aside for a very long time. I picked it up every now and again when an opportunity presented itself, but seriously, I could go years and years and never touch it. Fast forward to now. I am near retirement. (Still a few years to go) and I am back in my home town with tremendous opportunities to play. I currently play classical with a group 9 months of the year. This has helped me get some chops back. About a year ago I decided to get more serious about playing and specifically with jazz. I am learning at a snail’s pace, and still can’t improvise worth a darn. And Jazz language? Still foreign to me, but I will keep slogging away. So here I am.

    Steve replied 4 months, 3 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Steve

    March 4, 2024 at 2:54 am

    Hey Becky! You came to the right place 🙂 I pride myself on creating exercises that people who are great at reading music can easily memorize and begin to IMPROVISE with. Some things of course will be more challenging than others, but as long as you consistently return to the same material and commit ideas and knowledge of music theory to memory you will always be improving.
    Looking forward to hearing more from you!