The Routine Improvement System (Video Course)

Welcome to a FREE step by step course on my routine approach to daily practice sessions! This is a well established system that I have put to the test for 20+ years. It has been designed to isolate what I feel are the key elements of any successful practice routine: Sound, Technique and Repertoire.

Steve · August 17, 2023

Welcome to a FREE step by step course on my routine approach to daily practice sessions! This is a well established system that I have put to the test for 20+ years. It has been designed to isolate what I feel are the key elements of any successful practice routine: Sound, Technique and Repertoire.

As a regular practitioner of improvised music, I honed this process to be adaptable so that it can be completed in a relatively short period of time but leave you feeling accomplished when you complete any variation of its 4 simple elements.

I truly feel that implementation of this system has led me to continual growth in the practice room. I believe that anybody that studies this method will find that it can be tailored to meet your unique needs as a musician, one day at a time. With that, I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes by Satya Nani:

'A little progress each day adds up to BIG results!' 🚀

About Instructor


8 Courses

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Course Includes

  • 6 Lessons


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  1. Good Evening Steve,,,
    The “Start Course” button is not working properly. It keeps returning me to this page. Additionally, please direct me to the .pdf access. The arrow button does not seem to work either. Please advise…thanks…peace & blessings…🙏🏾

    1. Hi – I apologize for this difficulty. I have checked things on my end and can’t seem to find the error. Sometimes this platform does operate well with safari so if you could try emptying your caches and make sure to use either the firefox or chrome browser when logging in you should be able to avoid these issues. Please contact me at if you continue to have problems after doing the above mentioned suggestions – my apologies again for these frustrations.

  2. And the lifetime lesson continues with all of this great advice. Everything can be turned into a drill an exercise and material. Just have to learn how to do it and here is a very solid starting point. Thanks!

  3. Hey Steve,
    I haven’t completed the long tone exercises but can’t seem to get back to it on your site. I’m an old guy and may have missed it but how far up the horn do you do the long tones (not including altissimos)? Would F# be the end or do you still do octaves on the rest? Thanks.

    1. Hey Dennis! Sorry about this – I’m not sure what the issue is here. Have you tried a different internet browser and logging in there? Sometimes this fixes problems quickly. Let me know if it is still giving you trouble.
      RE: the altissimo, I would try to do all the notes that you can play on your horn. Its a great workout and really makes you aware of what it takes to not only play those notes but gain great control over them. If you can’t play a certain note, then that is a good place to stop 🙂 To answer your question though, yes I would do it on the altissimo if you are able to play those notes. Thanks for the question!